Focus Africa
The investment guarantees of the Federal Government offer companies an option to mitigate political risks for their investment abroad, especially in emerging and developing countries.
In order to deepen the economic cooperation with Africa, the Federal Government has recently launched various initiatives and adopted a number of improvements in foreign trade promotion.
On this page we have briefly summarized the various offers of the German Government as well as the possibilities of investment guarantee cover for German direct investments in Africa.
Africa News - German version only
Compact with Africa
At the G20 Compact with Africa conference, the German Government presented a series of measures that will help to deepen economic cooperation with Africa and strengthen trade relations.
Most of the member countries in the CwA initiative also qualify as diversification targets for investment guarantees. This includes preferential conditions for the assumption of guarantees. You can find more details here.
Cover policy on the Compact with Africa Countries
- German version only

Your contact for African countries
You would like to invest in Africa?
We will be happy to advise you regarding the investment guarantees of the Federal Government.
Further supporting measures by the German Government for your business in Africa
Africa Business Network
The German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK) initiated the Africa Business Network as part of the Development Investment Fund.
With the Africa Business Network, the BMWK is bringing the established players in German foreign trade promotion and development cooperation programs even closer together. German companies are thus provided with a one-stop range of advice and support for their business in Africa.
Companies can contact the Africa Business Network office directly with their specific business plans. In addition, German companies are specifically made aware of business opportunities in Africa that have been identified, examined and prepared in advance by the Business Network. In order to provide them with the best possible support for their export business, the office of the Africa Business Network provides companies with a permanent contact person, the Africa Partner, for this purpose. The Africa Partner offers initial advice and accompanies interested companies from the project idea to implementation. For more in-depth advice, the Africa partner refers to other offices of German foreign trade promotion and development cooperation. Advice on project financing, business case calculations, customs and legal issues, as well as market exploration or business initiation trips to Africa with on-site contact mediation are all part of the service offering.
Euler Hermes Aktiengesellschaft will also be happy to advise you on how to insure your foreign activities in African target markets.
Africa Business Guide
Partners and companies with an economic interest in Africa will find the Africa Business Guide a convenient first point of contact for information and exchange. The digital platform developed by GTAI on behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action provides information on topics related to your business initiation in Africa. Here you will find all the important information, a detailed calendar of events and contacts for Africa at a glance.
The Market Development Program (MEP) for SMEs of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action supports German exporters in their entry into new markets.
The program consists of various domestic and foreign event formats that are tailored to the exporters' interest in specific sectors and topics.
Marshallplan with Africa
new partnership for development, peace and the future
With the Marshall Plan with Africa, the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) has developed a partnership between Africa and Europe that goes beyond project-related development cooperation. The BMZ's aim is to strengthen the African states' own development forces. This is because a sustainably growing economy generates jobs and prosperity that strengthen the continent in the long term.